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Symptoms of Depression

  • A loss of interest in things you once enjoyed
  • Feeling sad, blue, or down in the dumps
  • Feeling slowed down, restless or unable to set still
  • Changes in appetite, weight loss or gain
  • Thoughts of suicide and / or death
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Loss of energy or feeling tired most of the time
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, thinking or making decisions

Anxiety Statistics

  • Anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million Americans over the age of 18 each year.
  • Anxiety disorders frequently co-occur with depressive disorder or substance abuse.
  • Anxiety frequently occurs with chronic medical problems.
  • Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure.
  • Approximately 8% of children and teenagers experience the negative impact of anxiety disorder at school and at home.
  • Anxiety can be experienced both physically, such as upset stomach, headaches, insomnia and emotionally, such as feeling irritable or restless.

Depression and Anxiety are VERY TREATABLE! With a combination of therapy and medical care you can enjoy life again.

Our Counseling Provides:

  • Individual Therapy / counseling
  • Family Therapy if needed
  • See a medical provider at the Rural Health Clinic for more information.

Depression is not just "Feeling Blue" or "Down in the Dumps." It's a medical disorder that is very treatable. Depression affects your thoughts, feelings, physical health and behavior in ways similar to Diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease affect the body and mind.

Individual and Family Outpatient Counseling is covered by most major insurance companies, including Medicare. Private pay is accepted and can be set up on a payment plan. Individuals may qualify for financial assistance. Ask anyone in admissions for an application to see if you might qualify for assistance.

If you, or someone you know, may benefit from our services, please contact us for more information at 432-639-2580.