Business Office
Caring For the Lives We Touch
The business office is comprised of multiple areas: Admissions, Insurance Verification, Eligibility, Billing, Customer Service, Collections, and Financial Assistance: Charity and Indigent Programs.Business Office Hours:
Monday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PMTuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Holidays
Physician services rendered in the hospital, in conjunction with medical hospital services, are billed by Iraan General Hospital. Other specialty services will be billed directly by the providers. Although these services are in conjunction with your treatment at the hospital, the physicians providing these services are not employed by the hospital and bill privately.
When You Call the Business Office
Please have your account number or guarantor number handy. Due to HIPAA Privacy Laws, we cannot discuss a patient's medical or financial information without the patient's permission. Permission may be granted in writing or in person verbally. Therefore, if you don't have a current statement on hand, we will need to identify you as the person on the account.Who to contact:
Customer Service: 432-639-3416Business Office
- CFO - Nelia Hernandez
- RHC and Revenue Cycle Director - Teresa Tucker
- Regristration - Mia Ramos
- Insurance Information - Cindy Morris
- Medical Records - Yajaira Balderaz
- Insurance Billing - Erica Cowell